If you are a business located in the Business Improvement District (BID) boundaries*, you are automatically a member of the Association.
* between Alps Road to the west and Stella Drive to the east
📸: Murray Douglas
If you own or represent a business in the Porters Lake area, but fall outside of the boundaries, then our Associate Membership is right for you (see form below).
✓ Training opportunities (subject to availability)
✓ Grant programs (subject to availability)
✓ Networking events to create connections
✓ Listing on our website business directory
✓ Shared content on our social media platforms
✓ Access to PLBA Newsletter
✓ Participation in promotional campaigns
✓ Voting member (Associates are non-voting)
Annual Associate Membership Fee: $50.00 CAD
Associate Membership Guidelines:
Associate Membership is open to any business that is registered with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies
Associate Members are non-voting members
Associate Members must support PLBA's strategic goals and values
If you are interested in applying to be an Associate Member, and/or would like to receive more information about PLBA's Associate Membership, please fill out the form below.